How to paint
Red Three Ways

Welcome to the next instalment of The Army Painter Academy: a series where we break down how we paint a miniature step-by-step.
In this installment, we join Studio Painter Steffen as he paints the boldest and fastest of colours – red! Not satisfied with showing only one way to paint this fundamental colour, he instead shows off how to paint a Speedpaint, Warpaints Fanatic, and Air version of the same Space Marine. Whether you’re looking to get your models on the table quickly with Speedpaint, meticulously layer them with Warpaints Fanatic, or get the sickest and smoothest fades imaginable with Warpaints Air, we have a solution for you within our vast and versatile paint ranges.

To see the paint in action, check out the video above, or if reading is more your style, then continue on for a step-by-step guide on how to achieve these vibrant red Marines. After each section is the option to purchase all the paints used, excluding the Colour and Air Primers, so you can replicate your preferred shade of red with just one click!
Let's get painting!
How to Paint Red with Speedpaint
Step 1: Prime the model with Brainmatter Beige Colour Primer.
Step 2: Coat the entire model with Speedpaint Blood Red. You're done!
How to Paint Red with Warpaints Fanatic
Step 1: Prime the model with Uniform Grey Colour Primer.
Step 2: Next, basecoat all the red areas with Warpaints Fanatic Basilisk Red.
Step 3: Add some shading by applying an all-over coat of Warpaints Fanatic Wash Dark Red Tone.
Step 4: Re-layer the red with Warpaints Fanatic Basilisk Red.
Step 5: Start applying your first highlights with Warpaints Fanatic Dragon Red, picking out the raised areas in a fairly broad fashion.
Step 6: Finally, use a mix of Warpaints Fanatic Raging Rose and Warpaints Stabilizer to add edge highlights.
How to Paint Red with Warpaints Air
Step 1: Prime the model with Warpaints Air Matt Black Primer.
Step 2: Apply a coat of Warpaints Air Encarmine Red via an airbrush.
Step 3: Next, apply a zenithal highlight of Warpaints Air Pure Red via airbrush, leaving the previous step visible in the shadows.
Step 4: Repeat this process in a more refined manner with Warpaints Air Archangel Red to create a smooth gradient between all three colours.
Step 5: Apply an all-over coat of Warpaints Fanatic Wash Red Tone with a Wargamer Regiment brush to add shadows and help further blend the previous colours.
Step 6: Finally, using a bit of torn sponge, apply chipping to the edges of the armour with Warpaints Fanatic Violent Vermillion.
With that, your model is done!
If you plan on using your model for gaming, we highly recommend varnishing it with either our Spray, Warpaints Air, or Warpaints Fanatic varnishes.