How to paint a
Ravenwing Outrider

Welcome to the second installment of The Army Painter Academy, a series where we break down how we paint a miniature step-by-step, complete with pictures for every bit of paint applied along the way.
Our Social Media Specialist, Tyler, is back with another son of The Lion, this time of the zoomy variety. The enigmatic Ravenwing take to the field of battle atop their mighty steeds, or motorcycles as some people call them, as is the case with this Primaris Outrider from Games Workshop. Clad in black armour, they make a striking addition to any Dark Angel army, giving you some variety in your colour of power armour. Not only will we be looking at a new selection of Warpaints Fanatic colours, but we'll also be painting this bike in a faster and looser style, relying on weathering to define edges and break up the large areas of black.
This tutorial has been broken down by colour segments, starting with the black armour, and moving onto the leather, the metallics, and so on. Each section is further broken down into manageable steps by applying one colour at a time. Simply click the arrows at the bottom of each section to scroll through the steps if you're on a desktop, or scroll to the side on your mobile phone.
Every colour on this miniature, outside of the primer, comes from our new Warpaints Fanatic range, and uses the Flexible Triad System as much as possible.
Let's get painting!
With that, your model is done!
If you plan on using your model for gaming we highly recommend varnishing it with either our Spray, Warpaints Air, or upcoming Warpaints Fanatic varnishes.
With regular Dark Angels and the Ravenwing done, that leaves only one variety of the Unforgiven left to cover, so keep an eye out for the bone white armour of the Deathwing in the future. There may even be something roaring its way onto our tutorials this very Friday...
If you paint your own model following one of these guides tag us with #thearmypainteracademy to share your work!