Uncle Atom
I’m Uncle Atom from Tabletop Minions, a channel about tabletop wargaming and the miniatures hobby, mostly. I love working with the folks from The Army Painter because the products are just so good. Warpaints Fanatic, Warpaints Air, Speedpaints - they’re all I use.
Here are three of my favorite products:
"Battlefield Rocks are easy to use on my basing, made up of all different sizes to help vary their appearance, and they’re inexpensive. They show up on nearly all of my bases."

Battlefield Basing: Battlefield Rocks
Use Battlefield Rocks for smaller stones, giving a perfect texture on especially larger bases. Brings your painted miniatures to life by breaking the even look.
Also perfect for scenery and dioramas - Basing materials are very easily applied, and can be used to add details to your battlefields as well as your individual miniature bases.
Contains 150ml natural-looking cork stones.
"Speedpaint Metallics have replaced all my other metallic paints - when I need to paint metal armor or blades or anything else metallic, it’s always Speedpaint Metallics… unless I need to dry brush or edge highlight metals, then it’s Fanatic Metallics."

Speedpaint Metallics Set 2.0 - Combo
Get the Speedpaint Metallics Set 2.0 PLUS an exclusive Speedpaint Brush.
- Industry-first one-coat Speedpaint metallics
- Formulated for consistent flow and coverage
- Stainless coverage and vibrant saturation
- Advanced resin base
"I love how well the Pure Red triad of Warpaints Air works together when I layer them out of my airbrush. I end up using them (frequently just the mid and base colors) constantly on all kinds of projects. And so smooth out of the airbrush!"

Warpaints Air: Pure Red
Airbrush-ready paints right from the bottle
- No thinning required.
- Pre-loaded Mixing Balls.
- Developed in a Colour Triad System.