
What is GameMaster?

What is GameMaster?

How fare thee, daring adventurers? Have thine epic encounters with the multitudinous D20 and fickle D10 left thee parched for visual stimuli beyond that which thine quill and parchment can provide? Are you seeking the succour of a tactile experience befitting the stage of any passing hamlet in spectacle and grandeur?

Then behold ye digital periodical, thine answer to your ailments and the elucidation to the greatest question of all – What is GameMaster?


What is GameMaster?

GameMaster Hag


GameMaster is our answer for the RPG crowd looking to enter into the wonderful world of miniature painting. While The Army Painter and wargaming have a storied history together stretching back to our founding in 2007, we’re aware that miniature painting isn’t the exclusive domain of those who compile detailed army lists and roll buckets full of dice.

Role-playing games have long lived within the cultural gestalt of our hobby, and to deny their importance and scope would be beyond foolish! Who out there hasn’t heard of games such as Dungeons and Dragons by Wizards of the Coast, if not at least in passing? Even wargaming behemoths such as Games Workshop got their start within the world of RPGs.


GameMaster Playing


Many of these games rely upon pen and paper, as well as the player’s imagination and the storytelling skills of the titular game masters. However, there’s no denying the visual impact of miniatures when added to the equation. Having a lovingly painted mini to represent your daring adventurer, or the fearsome monster whose abode you’re exploring in search of treasure adds an immeasurable amount to the experience.

GameMaster seeks to be the simplest answer to this need. A one-stop solution to enhance your RPG night amongst friends and a wonderful introduction to the greatest hobby of all - painting miniatures.


The GameMaster Sets

The GameMaster series has been brilliantly crafted to be an introduction to painting for RPGs, as well as a great way to expand upon your collection via the three core box sets. Each set contains 15 high-quality Warpaints Fanatic paints, a brush, and FREE miniatures to boot! If this is your first entry into painting, then you can pick up a great selection of colours, as well as your first miniatures, all at an incredible price. If you’re already knee-deep in grey plastic, then you’re still saving a bunch of money on the paints alone with these sets and get the miniatures as a bonus!


The GameMaster: Adventure Starter Role-playing Paint Set

The GameMaster: Adventure Starter Role-playing Paint Set


As the name suggests, this is the place to start! Containing 15 high-quality Warpaints Fanatic paints, including a Brush-on Primer, a GameMaster Starter Brush, and 5 FREE snap-fit miniatures, this box has everything to get you started on your newest adventure. Since those minis are snap-fit as well, you don’t even need glue to put them together! The box set even comes with a FREE painting guide, and a quest prompt complete with a map for your adventuring party to explore.



We’ve even created a series of video painting tutorials for each miniature in the set, so you can watch and paint along to get your brave companions ready for the tabletop in no time.


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The GameMaster: Wandering Monsters Role-playing Paint Set

The GameMaster: Wandering Monsters Role-playing Paint Set


What RPG would be complete without a horrible monster to overcome? The GameMaster: Wandering Monsters Role-playing Paint Set has you covered with a wonderfully detailed Troll miniature, who is also snap-fit! This towering brute comes complete with an additional 15 Warpaints Fanatic paints and GameMaster Starter Brush, wonderfully growing your collection of paint. The only duplicate colour with the other sets is the Brush-on Primer, allowing the Troll to be your entry point into miniature painting as well. Who says it’s all about the heroes?



Looking for the best way to get your monster painted up and cracking skulls? We have you covered with a detailed video tutorial using the paints from the set.


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The GameMaster: Wilderness Adventure Role-playing Paint Set

The GameMaster: Wilderness Adventure Role-playing Paint Set


Not all villains have to be pure brute strength, sometimes a little guile is in order. The GameMaster: Wilderness Adventure Role-playing Paint Set fulfills that role with the horrible Hag and her bubbling cauldron, both of which are snap-fit! Supplement her magical might with a further additional 15 Warpaints Fanatic paints and GameMaster Starter Brush. Once again, the only duplicate colour is the Brush-on Primer, allowing you to start your painting journey here.



We even have a tutorial for both the Hag and her cauldron available on our YouTube channel for you to paint along with!


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Further Adventures Await

GameMaster Dragon


That’s not the end of your journey, for we have even more great GameMaster content to bolster your adventures. Though each of the paints included in all three sets has a unique and thematic name, they all have matching colours within the main Warpaints Fanatic range. This allows you to easily replace a colour once it runs out!


Colour Chart


Each paint bottle has the name of its matching colour printed on the side and we also have this handy conversion chart so you can more efficiently grow your Warpaints Fanatic collection.




We also have several additional Quest prompts and maps to help you get the most out of your new RPG miniatures which you can find here. Beyond that we also have specialty brushes, a selection of exclusive Terrain Primers, which are foam-friendly, and a Hot Wire Foam Cutter to help you build the dungeon of your dreams.

What’s a foam-friendly primer you may ask? Most aerosol primers have an agent in them that dissolves foam, a common material used to build terrain, whereas our Terrain Primers do not, which allows you to spray them directly onto your newly constructed castle, hills, or cavern!

What adventures are you looking to get into with your new RPG friendly paint sets?

Reading next

The Arena of Escalation: Here Be Monsters - Part 2
The Army Painter Academy: Horus Heresy Death Guard